The Best AI Tools for Content Creation

The Best AI Tools for Content Creation

As a PR professional and an avid follower of technological trends, I’ve been closely tracking the evolution of AI tools that promise to revolutionize the way we work. From content creation to crisis management to social media strategy, AI is changing the way...
Is the Press Release Dead?

Is the Press Release Dead?

“Is the press release dead?”  I hear this question all too often, and while I’m not ready to completely give up on press releases, I have to admit that the traditional press release doesn’t hold the weight it once did. Newsrooms used to spin entire stories out of a...
Lessons Learned from 2023’s PR Crises

Lessons Learned from 2023’s PR Crises

Most businesses eventually experience a PR crisis—or, at the very least, an incident that could become a crisis. The damage the crisis inflicts, however, has less to do with the incident itself and more to do with your company’s response. While the public relations...